Snowboarder Alexa Loo to receive financial support and mentorship as part of Visa’s Olympic sponsorship program
A long-term supporter of Canadian athletes, Visa Canada is proud to announce that Alexa Loo has joined the Team Visa program for the Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. Team Visa athletes are selected for their sporting achievements, dedication to developing their sports, and active community involvement. It is because of these exemplary characteristics that Visa supports these athletes through the Team Visa program.
A global program, Team Visa is dedicated to supporting amateur athletes through direct financial support and mentorship as they prepare for one of the greatest athletic challenges of their lives: competing at the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Team Visa in Canada includes the following seven amateur athletes:
• Colette Bourgonje (Para-Nordic Skiing)
• Emily Brydon (Alpine Skiing)
• Jeff Christie (Luge)
• Jennifer Heil (Freestyle Skiing – Moguls)
• Clara Hughes (Speed Skating)
• Alexa Loo (Snowboard)
• Brian McKeever (Para-Nordic Skiing)
In Canada, the role of the mentor is central to the Team Visa program and helps differentiate it from other Olympic and Paralympic Games sponsorship programs. The opportunity for amateur athletes to learn from and be inspired by Olympians and Paralympians from previous Games is invaluable. Team Visa mentors’ Kurt Browning (Figure Skating), Nathalie Lambert (Speed Skating) and Ian Balfour (Para-Alpine Skiing) are uniquely qualified to answer complex questions, such as how athletes should mentally and physically prepare for the Games, if their lives will change should they win a
medal, and what they need to do to be their best. Browning, Lambert and Balfour all return for their second stint as Team Visa mentors; they previously served in this position for the Torino 2006 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.
Recently retired Olympians Danielle Goyette (Ice Hockey), Jeffrey Buttle (Figure Skating) and Deidra Dionne (Aerials) proudly serve as Team Visa ambassadors.
Globally, Team Visa Vancouver supports more than 25 individual athletes, all with the potential to be selected for their National Olympic and Paralympic Teams. Visa has been a committed supporter of the Olympic Movement since 1986.
About Visa
Visa connects cardholders, merchants and financial institutions through its electronic payments network. Visa products allow buyers and sellers to conduct commerce with ease and confidence in both the physical and virtual worlds. Visa is committed to the sustained growth of electronic payment systems to support the needs of all stakeholders and to drive economic growth.
Visa products currently generate more than $US 4 trillion in sales volume worldwide and are accepted at more than 24 million locations including one million ATMs. Within Canada, financial institutions have issued more than 27 million Visa cards, accounting for $155 billion in annual sales volume. For more information, visit