Entrust LLP
Entrust is absolutely thrilled to support Alexa in her pursuit of gold!
When Scott Armstrong, partner at Entrust, first heard Alexa speak he was both impressed and inspired.
What impressed him about Alexa was her dedication and commitment to her sport, as well as her perseverance and professionalism. Alexa not only was training for the 2006 Olympic team and competing in world cup events; she was also earning her Chartered Accountant designation and studying to be a Chartered Financial Analyst.
Alexa also impressed Scott with her commitment to continuing to pursue her Olympic dream for the 2010 games here in Vancouver. Her message was well delivered, and was very powerful. This, in turn, inspired Scott to find a way to become involved. Having the Olympics in our home town is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Getting to know an Olympic athlete, based in your city, who shares your profession seemed too good to be true. We absolutely wanted to find a way to help Alexa. |
After introducing himself to Alexa, Scott realized that Entrust was in a position to bring other great organizations onto Alexa’s team by reaching out to their clients who are community leaders and who provide services that she needs. We are thrilled that so many of our clients have agreed to support Alexa, both through financial contributions, and through contributing their expertise. We are also honored to be able to help Alexa by assisting in the management of her business affairs, allowing Alexa to focus on her training!
Entrust is a full service accounting firm with close to eighteen years of history in Richmond and North-East BC. We pride ourselves on providing exceptional services to privately held companies in a diverse range of industries.
Entrust shares Alexa’s commitment to excellence, and is thrilled to be associated with Alexa. We are proud of her success and accomplishments to date, and look forward to seeing her representing Canada in February 2010. Our cheers from the grandstands will be among the loudest.
Go Alexa Go!