YYZCANUCK Inc. Alpine Snowboard Gear
Alexa contacted us in the summer of 2005 regarding DeeLuxe boots, as YYZCANUCK Inc. had recently taken over the DeeLuxe distributorship in Canada. Our first impression during that phone call was that we were speaking to very personable, professional and humble athlete. She needed boots, we had them. She emailed her CV to us that night and we sent her a pair of boots the next day. This later developed into F2 binding support as we became the Canadian (and ultimately North American) distributor of F2 alpine snowboard gear.
In our opinion, Alexa is the ultimate athlete to sponsor. Not because she is on the podium more than other athletes but because her professionalism, spirit for the sport and enthusiasm are unmatched. Alexa is always a professional, holding up her end of sponsorship for supporters large and small. We certainly can't help her out the way RBC and Visa can, but that doesn't mean we don't receive recognition for out help. She has done here best to put our logo in her media and has never failed to spread the word to other athletes about our company. Last year, Alexa started an email compaign where she updates her friends, family and sponsors after every race and it's always nice to hear how our athletes are doing! Alexa's spirit and enthusiasm show in the many activities related to sport that she is constantly involved in. Whether it is the Olympic Athlete |
Committee, getting school kids up to a mountain to watch a race, or helping younger athletes succeed, her enthusiasm is felt by all and that is part of why she is such a force on the Canadian National Team.
Since that first phone conversation we have developed what we feel is more than just a sponsor/athlete relationship. She has become a friend. She never fails to call when she is in town and often has dinner with us or stays with us as time permits. We love having her here!
Finally and most importantly Alexa always presents herself and her job as an athlete in a professional manner in public. She does this with regard to all her sponsors and when we see someone like this we are more than proud to have her as one of our sponsored athletes. She is a true gem and we are happy to be a part of her career as well as her friends!
Andrea & Dave Morgan

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