I would like to change some of the neighbourhood zoning to require more green spaces, not only in individual property lots, but small park areas where people can gather with benches and opportunities to get together. In our high rise homes, we need to better plan the spaces between the developments – creating squares with small parks, picnic tables and benches and coffee shops. If we have the vision, we can create spaces that encourage people to get outside and meet each other.

I would like to ensure that we support the arts and combine ESL programs with them to encourage people to get out of the house and engaged in their community. There are a lot of people here who have a lot of skills and talents that they would like to share, we just have to figure out good ways of connecting the dots.

Probably we have to start getting people out and engaged through Chinese language actives that start teaching English.

If we don’t start teaching English and getting people out of their homes we will have some long term problems as this group ages.

With careful planning and a strong vision of what we want our community of Richmond to look like, we can create policies that will help to realize the vision.