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Archives for World Cup Events

Kreischberg Podium 2010!

We kicked off the January World Cups by boarding the planes in Canada on the 31st of December. The plane was delayed, so, when we boarded the plane, the captain greeted us with a cheerful, “It is 2 am in Frankfurt. Happy New Year!” – So much for ringing in 2010 with [...]

Change of Plans!

The tricky thing about snowboarding is that we are fully dependent upon the weather. This week we were supposed to go to Europe for two Europa Cup competitions and one World Cup. The snow situation in Limone, Italy, the site for the World Cup, was so poor (read: nonexistent) that the race was [...]

Last stop on this season’s World Cup circuit!

Hi from the last stop on this season’s World Cup circuit.
The La Molina event wrapped up and the Canadian team joined the World Cup migration and flew to Milan, picked up a rental car and headed to Valmalenco in the Italian Alps for the World Cup Finals.  We took the scenic route and drove along [...]

Greeting from La Molina, Spain!

After a much needed week break from the rigors of the World Cup Circuit, we reconvened the team in Barcelona, Spain.  Spain is one of the rare stops on the tour where we actually get to spend a little time in a big city.  We took the opportunity to check out some of the Gaudi [...]

Sunday River, USA

We World Cup racers were lucky that the weather for the Stoneham World Cup held out, because the following day another snowstorm rolled in.  We packed up the rental vans; juggling equipment among the different teams to ensure that everyone’s stuff mad it to the next World Cup stop:  Sunday River.  An extra board bag [...]

Stoneham, Quebec

After the disappointment of the canceled event in Cypress, we packed our bags and flew east.  Just our luck!  To be leaving sunny Vancouver only to head into the fury of a Quebec snowstorm to prepare for the next World Cup on the schedule:  Stoneham.  Due to the storm, my flight was delayed and my [...]

Guten tag aus Deutschland!

After a great World Championships event in Korea, the Canadian Snowboard team packed up and took the 11hour flight from Seoul to Munich.  Jasey took his World Champion medal and title and went back to Canada to rest and celebrate while the rest of us prepared for the next World Cup in Sudelfeld, Germany.
Once in [...]

Greetings from Korea!

After a week of training in the Canadian Rockies, (rather than competing at the World Cup in Kreischberg, Austria) the Canadian Team regrouped in Seoul Korea for the World Championships.
Hyundai Sungwoo Resort in Korea cannot boast the largest mountain in the world, but it just might have the largest hotel in the world.  The hotel [...]